Spring cleaning

The migraine eased off finally, in time for my day with the children.

We went through the toy box and the books at my house, choosing which ones we could let go. We gathered two large sacks of toys for Bella's school rummage sale, but the rummage sale doesn't want books.

I gave them several choices of what we might do with the books. They chose this option: leave them at the little free library by the hospital, so that children who are very sick can have books to read while they are in the hospital. After we stacked all their books in the box carefully, Evan closed the door and kissed it. 

Shocked, Bella asked, "Did you just kiss that door?" 

Evan: "Yes. It's for the sick children to get well." He paused a minute. "And maybe it's a way to say goodbye to my books."

I feared he might decide to retrieve them, but with a brave lift of the chin, he ran back toward my apartment, his cape swirling in the wind behind him.

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