Davince net

By Davince

Danny Does Do's

Great fun shoot to be had with hair people, not sure why but they just are! This one was no different. Great gal who was obviously open to suggestion (her hair style gave me the clue) and a great hair stylist to add to the mix. So nice having a job I can enjoy. Now just have to make it pay money :P

More of Danny's Do will be on my company facebook page next few days if you want to see them, seeing as I can't show more than one here! (www.facebook.com/davincentphotography)

In unrelated news, life appears to have become a constant stress of busy busy busy despite having virtually zero 'real work' to do (that 'time of year' for togs, it seems) and I can't tell if I'm coming or going. What I really need is to have shed loads of paying work to get the rest in perspective :P

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