A day in the life

By Shelling


Finally it came falling down, some more snow and some cold weather to accompany it. 

Almost every year, in April, there is a setback in spring. I know it's going to come but not when, so it feels good when it has arrived. Waiting for something to happen is much worse than when it actually happens, good, bad or even natural creates an uncertainty inside, difficult to neglect. Finally, I think, now everything is as it should be, time to move on and be happy about each new day of spring. The flowers can handle this kind of setback as long as we don't get severe frost for a longer period of time.

Tonight I went to listen to a concert by my students in town. Brilliant work and their personal development is astounding. One of our three music courses at school has a spring project where their challenge is to form a band, rehearse or compose music enough to fill a 45 minute concert. This is the fifteenth year I'm listening to these concerts. It varies from year to year how many bands they form, depending on how many is on the course. This year there were three groups, each performing 45 minutes of music. The project then tours the local schools and tonight was a gig in a local pub. They're all very sure of them selves on stage compared to how they acted when they arrived at the school in August. I'm so happy about being part of this business of shaping real people who support each other and who shines with pride. It's my last year as a teacher before being a pensioner in July, this is one thing I'll miss.

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