The World Through My Eyes

By Marlieske

Stonechat... Roodborsttapuit...

Beautifully colored little bird with black head and tail, red-orange parts, wide white neck spot and dark brown cover feathers. The under wings and lower abdomen are lightly colored, the tail slightly speckled. The female is fainter, as is usually the case in the bird world.
The call is typical (weed-click, as if two pebbles click against each other). The vocals like the Whinchat, but duller, more monotonous, usually from a singing post, such as the top of a bush, barbed wire or pole. Often flies up and down from song post. In the recording a robin male can be heard who uses the typical call in windy conditions. A magical little birdie...

Thanks to Dfb24 for hosting TT this month.

Thanks for all your kind comments, heart and stars for my yesterday’s blip! Xxx

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