An Avid Lensman

By SarumStroller

"I Love England"

Graffiti exists everywhere that humans do, especially young, bored ones. A touristy Cathedral City such as Salisbury does not make this activity exempt.

After all my local natural landscapes and such I had often thought of adding a Blip showing Salisbury's under-belly and sure enough, there isn't much of one. On such a rubbish rainy (very) early morning it was a quick walk to a local park, where this is in total darkness. I only had the tiny pop-up flash on the D700 and coverage on a 20mm full-frame is a bit rubbish and so I had to shoot at f2 (Sigma 20mm f1.8) and (manual) focus wasn't spot-on so have had to add a lot of unsharp-mask. To help with the lack of light coverage, I did the opposite to 'vignette' in Photoshop and lightened the corners as much as it allowed.

I think that this object is a skip or a bunker for salt, or grit, for ice. It is square-on but my height meant it converged downwards, which I decided not to correct. Our eye is thus drawn to the title of the pic. As for what has been written, or sprayed, isn't really for me to comment on, let alone tut-tut about. It's not intended for folk of my generation and I'm not showing it here to make broad statements on "yoof". However, it would seen to have been added to, on several occasions...

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