Can you tell....

...she's feeling back to normal? No classes for her mom today, so no day care for Mae.  Since she was home, I asked Mae if she'd like to color some Easter eggs and within 15 minutes, I had to ask myself two things:
What was I thinking, and when had Easter Egg Coloring become such a treacherous, hazardous event?  In her haste to "help" me, two eggs bit the dust by falling out of her hands and onto the kitchen floor before they even made it into the pot to be boiled. Anticipating more "ass-ee-dents" (Mae's word, not mine, tho' certainly appropriate), I was looking for an outfit more fitting for egg dyeing than her cream colored top--I dragged out my raggedy t-shirt that I keep for extra dirty projects or wall painting--which she promptly pronounced to be "really deescusting" & didn't want to wear it. So I said okay, that's fine, we just won't be able to color any eggs. She whipped that cream colored top off and had my ratty shirt on in under a second! I doubled the shirt over in the back and secured it with a potato chip bag clip--I can be resourceful! I set up a table in the basement and she dropped the 5 colored tablets into the 5 plastic cups then I added the vinegar. I turned to put the vinegar out of reach, & in that nano second she had her "bunny egg dipper" inside the first plastic cup, stirring so vigorously that the color was slopping out all over. Had to call a time out for mop-up duty. I added the water and restrained myself--since this was meant to be fun--to just saying "If you want to stir it, do it gently"! Then came the REALLY fun part--using the Bunny dipper to hold the egg!! Of course, just as I opened my mouth to tell her to gently set the egg into her color of choice she dropped it into the cup from about 4 inches above it, and was absolutely delighted with the splash.....well who wouldn't be.......other than me. Had to call another temporary time out for more mop-up duty, then added more water along with more "be gentle" admonitions. Sometimes one egg went in all 5 colors--Mae said it was "an experiment"--oh, she's good, I'll freely give her that; and amazingly not one single plastic container was tipped over in the coloring of the eggs!
 (And I DID try to talk her into letting me brush her hair, but I should have known to have brought it up BEFORE I mentioned coloring Easter Eggs! Once the Easter Egg option was out there, there was no way in heck it was going to get done before the coloring was!)  Haha! Hope you all have a great weekend, and wishing you all a very Happy Easter! :))

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