Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Botanics Blip meet

Set off this morning at around 10 to walk to the Botanics for a Blipmeet with Houseonahill6, Pleach and Limoniad (and two husbands as well). The morning started well when we all manged to meet up and recognise each other at the gate. We spent the morning thoroughly enjoying the sunshine in the botanics, the tiny fluffy new moorhen chicks, the over excited mallards, spectacular bullfinches and as ever chatting and getting to know one another. Limoniad and I proved that Edinburgh is a village as we discovered very many friends in common and even the fact that our fathers worked together at Ferranti...she even thinks she visited our house in the 60's with her mum.... A village indeed. Mr L and I also discovered we'd friends in common in the Borders!
I also found people in common with our visitor from the Black Isle. We had a great morning walking and chatting. Thanks Karen for arranging the meet. The blip is of the burn running down over the rocks, beautiful sparklingly clear water, and a lovely sound.
After coffee, an essential part of any blipmeet, I left the Botanics and walked up to Hanover St to meet A for a quick lunch and a bridesmaid dress fitting. It was good to find somewhere air conditioned to get away from the heat for a while. After we said goodbye I continued my walk back down into Stockbridge where I met up with C and we then walked home again together . Not surprising to find I've walked over 8 miles today.
This evening I had time to do some sewing after dinner, I've had to do a lot of taking in and up of clothes over the least few months.
A good day, 28,017 steps which is actually over 12.1 miles in total. 5/5 days so target met for the week.

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