A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

Diocese of Bath & Wells

The morning after the night of the Wedding the day before.

We didn't rise too late, which is a miracle considering our late one last night, knowing a big slap up Dunster cooked breakfast was awaiting us. Once we'd stuffed ourselves into a stupor & to be honest fancied heaing back to bed, we packed up our things & decided to do a little Christmas shopping. We checked out the Guest Houses dinky little shop full of shiny, festive trinkets & then wandered into town. We picked up some nice, locally made goodies from the Deli store which we hope will make great Christmas prezzies.

We tehn said goodbye to a rainy but picturesque Dunster & set sail for Cribbs Causeway, a shopping mall just outside Bristol, which would be the scene of some serious final seasonal shopping.

En route we happened upon this beautiful church set into the lush green countryside & with my blip-dar buzzing & beeping away, we pulled in for a closer look. The Diocese of Bath & Wells, The Parish Church of St Etheldreda, West Quantexhead, read the sign, & it was quite stunning.

In looking at the snaps I'd captured of the Church on the day, it dawned on me later where I'd heard the name before.. from the episode 'Money' in Blackadder II. 'The Baby-Eating Bishop of Bath and Wells' as he is so favourably known is a psychotically violent and self-described 'colossal pervert' & unsurprisingly fits well into the Blackadder fold. He wasn't in today though.. thankfully. Monkey would not have been happy.

Shopping went well, only a few more items to get (don't tell Jenny, but having been to pertty much every shop in the mall, I still came out with no bags with her name on them, but shhh! you know nothing). We arrived back to the flat after an amazing & fun weekend & now have just one more working week left to look forward to before Christmas finally arrives!

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