Gitama's World

By Gitama

Flowers for Nanny

No time to take pics today...we had to finish the boys picture.
So I took him into the 3D render site and he picked these Stone Golems...he had to have them........I let him have a go at positioning them himself ...he told me what he wanted right down to the white flowers.
The Golems turned out to be him and I...kinda sweet really. He sat with me for nearly all of the fiddling and faffing he was very excited for a while then he got bored and started hanging off my chair and being very annoying.

This is just finished and was perfect to post for the day....a reminder of another lovely day with the boy until I had to tell him to bugger off.

He opened up a bank account today..he is very proud of himself especially when the lady was impressed at the amount he had saved (little did she know it was his Great Gran and Pa that put all those coins in a wee box and gave to him a few days ago). Anyway he reckons he is going to save up for a computer so he can make his own characters....Iknow its going to probably be a pain in the bum to teach him but  really I am secretly chuffed that he wants to learn what I do.

“I keep stars in my pockets wear daisies in my hair but I tuck you tenderly
in the folds of my heart and take you everywhere.”
Melody Lee

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