
Slightly less busy but good day sorting stuff out and chatting to people who seemed to get a lot out of the meetings. V and I had a good catch up on upcoming commitments over bacon rolls first thing and that always helps to feel slightly more back in control. Delighted we’ve been able to work something out for T to come with me to Singapore next month...he needs the break.
Home and TK had arrived so we chatted until time to go to Newhaven for dinner at The Fishmarket. Odd to discover a part of the city I’d never been to before, with its little fishing harbour it felt a long way from Edinburgh (or even Leith or Portobello).
Chatted about grandchildren, work, travel, family, setting up new businesses, home renovations, decluttering and shops as we munched through squid, crab claws, lobster and a ‘fish sandwich’ then ice cream and lemon posset. All very delicious... (although Jay Rayner’s recent review was right about the chips!). Still light but dusk when we came out and home for an early night.

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