Muncaster Fell

While Mr P scaled a couple of Wainwrights from Nether Wasdale I decided that the "Orange" ( ie not too difficult) orienteering course on Muncaster Fell would foot the bill of hip rehap with two walking poles on slightly hilly ground. Just 90m of climb on the course was advertised , although they did not mention the 150m of climb on the 1.8km walk to the start. Any way I can report that I was not last on the course but I was by far the oldest, most were about 12.  Never mind, I did take a lot of photos along the way which can explain a lot of the 70 minutes it took me to complete the 3.4km course. Bagged  Muncaster Tarn by dipping my fingers in the water, on the way back to the carpark. (extra) 
Followed by lunch in Muncaster Castle, much admiring of the azealeas and watching of heron feeding. An extra of the castle for my memory. 

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