Pictorial blethers

By blethers

A metaphor

Truthfully, yesterday caught up with me today, despite the fact that, according to my FitBit, it took me all of two minutes to fall into deep sleep last night.  Despite that, the residual lassitude hit me again in the afternoon, and the only two photos I took were this one and one of my half-eaten dinner that I took only to make a point in a message!

So why the metaphor? Because this is the plant I think of as the Stinking Lilies - yellow turk's cap lilies that are so much a part of my garden on hot evenings in June. And here they are, suddenly over a foot tall in their hiding-place beside the philadelphus, growing away vigorously without my noticing them. And I hope that the metaphor is apt for our wee church as a new era gets under way ...

Though today you could have been forgiven for thinking yesterday was all a dream. Our new rector came straight from his previous charge in England after celebrating Easter there, without any break. So he's on holiday for the coming week, and today we had lay people doing the entire service again. Yesterday the acting chair of the Vestry remarked in a speech that the church had a great team. I reckon he's right.

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