Identity crisis?

Not sure if Carlos got tired whilst climbing onto his perch or whether he was mid-way through an attempt at standing on his hind legs and pretending to be a Tyranasaurus Rex. Maybe he has been reading George Orwell and has decided that 2 legs are good, 4 are bad.

So, Friday has been busy and has seen the final Christmas presents purchased, along with a bass guitar and amp that James wanted - he is paying for it with Christmas money. James has been to the dentist and had a filling, with no anaesthetic - I was quite impressed. I know that he has been psyching himself up all week, as the dentist's chair is not his favourite place to sit, and he did brilliantly - no panic, no fuss, just got on with it. That's progress. His dentist was brilliant with him - so calming - and did a white filling for no cost which was a bonus.

The food shopping has been done. Might just have to nip to the supermarket tomorrow evening to get booze, but aside from that, we are good to go. The Christmas tree has finally gone up tonight, with some strategically removed branches to accomodate Carlos's tank. The washing is done. we have a new mattress on our bed. The house is clean.

I have managed all of this despite the fact that Basil has been trying desperately hard to floor me all day. I have persevered, but now I am about to give in.

Tomorrow, I am catching up with an old friend. Sunday I plan to knit all day. Monday I pick up my new car. Then there's something happening on Tuesday...

Will try to catch up with everyone and will endeavour to be a bit more consistent with my posts - I have been lacking inspiration and the inclination in the last few days, with odd exceptions. I think it is the Basil Effect.

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