
By rower2012

Heritage day

Mitcham General Cemetery and my Great Grandmother's Grave is my heritage blip for today.

My great grandmother was buried in the old Mitcham General Cemetery, 90 years ago this year. What is interesting is that the cemetery is on the Old Belair Road, a road that we have travelled twice a day, almost every day, for the past 21 years. We last stopped off to go and photograph the headstone about 10 years ago, in the final days of film cameras and photographic prints.

Today I decided it was time to go back and get a digital record of her grave and this historic old cemetery. See my BLOG for the extra photos that I felt gave a better over-view of this heritage place in the Mitcham area.

The General Cemetery was established in 1853-54. Since then it has been greatly expanded well up the hillside and westward to the Old Belair Road roundabout.

My great grandmother had only one son and that was my grandfather. According to my father, Johanne Ernestine was a very tough, strong willed woman, extremely capable, and acted with a superior manner.

Her husband died when her son was 4 years old, meaning that she brought him up on her own. See her headstone better in LARGE.

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