After dark...

After yesterday's debacle, I was back into Peterborough first thing this morning to return a couple of potential presents that were no longer deemed suitable. A statue of a silver angel had unexpectedly appeared in Cathedral Square - I got the shock of my life when she moved - visions of Dr. Who! She was certainly the most static performance artist that I've seen so far! I made time to buy a new pair of dark green jeans for Christmas Day, as all my current pairs seem to be becoming mud-stained.

We were so busy with Christmas preparations that Pete and I didn't get out to walk Rosie until after dusk. We knew yesterday's rain was likely to have caused additional flooding, but didn't expect to find paths on both sides of the Rowing Lake under water again, and the water visibly rising.This is another motion shot of the floodwaters, deliberately overexposed. I have to say I quite like the ethereal effect - much more photogenic than reality!

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