
By Angelique


As some of you know we have moved back to Somerset.  We have slowly been altering the garden to give it a feature instead of just a lawn with a flower border.

This space was occupied by daffodils when we moved in beginning of March.  But as they started to die off and become just leaves I started to dig them up and make a focal point.  This small water feature is solar powered and we brought it with us from our home in Cornwall.

Shelley of course had to get involved.  We are now allowing her to be 'off the lead' but of course we always keep an eye out for her planned escape.

She was fascinated with the water and had to have a drink.

Oscar had just left the photo being distracted by movement on the wall.

We have visitors arriving tomorrow from Hampshire and it will be great to share new adventures with them.

Thank you dear friends for keeping in touch.  Sending love to you all. xxxxxxx

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