Iechyd da, Cheers, Egészségedre, San

Proost, Prost, and every other way to toast you for following my journal calling in and commenting over the last 300 Blips :-)

Not all of them have come easy, some have been down right lazy, others have meant something to me, some others I've thought Blippers would find interesting, but all of them enjoyed :-)

I've enjoyed looking at your Blips, whether down the road in Newport (if I'm in Wales), London, France, Belgium, Finland, Australia, New Zealand or anywhere else in the world.

I've enjoyed trying to recreate images blips I've seen and some of your blips have made me think how is it possible to do that with a camera :-) I've also enjoyed catching up with you on a daily basis.

So Thank You for dropping by, Iechyd da and I hope you're all relaxing and ready for the big day :-)

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