Shouting out

This morning I was in work so once i got home and got my work clothes washing away I went for a walk to get lunch from the chip shop. I decided to take my camera and go via the river. While walking along I heard and then spotted the pair of Grey wagtails that is possibly the same pair from last year down by the lock gates. I only had my small zoom lens with me but managed to grab a few half descent shots. I decided to go with this one caught shouting out to its mate. A few more shots can be seen on my BLOG . 
After picking Julie up from her Mum & Dads we watched a very enjoyable Challenge cup Rugby game on TV. It ended up been a very gripping game with a cup shock as Bradford Bulls beat Leeds Rhinos from the super League . Bradford use to be a super league team but fell on hard times and nearly went out of business and ended up been relegated  2 divisions they are now back in the league below Super League . Afterwards we watched a very one side game from the NRL (Australian League )
An evening of chilling with a few beers is now on the cards. 

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