Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Ramadan table

I went into the mall called The Mall today after what seems like ages! It was way too early (8:40am) and hardly anything was open, in fact, nothing was open because of Ramadan. The Lebanese cafe that I love hanging out in had this table just outside their entrance. I loved the colour. I didn't help myself to any apricots or dates though because it is not allowed to eat or drink in public during the day.

Thankfully G had a short day, so I picked her up after two hours and we headed South to the Bible Society bookshop. It is coming to the end of the year for Awana and time to get the little kids some gifts. The group that G takes is called T&T, so they are all getting TNT Survival Kits!

Christian items secured, we drove to the other side of town for the rest. IKEA have sectioned off their restaurant, so we were able to get some lunch. Then there was the small job of checking the post box to see if my Volvo part has arrived. SO THRILLED to find it had!

We finally got home in time for 4 o'clock tea. Much of the evening was spent trying to get to grips with this data entry software whilst G made a tuna pasta bake to a Caribbean recipe!

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