
We got away in good time to get up
The mountain pass to Snowdon but the limited parking spaces were already full so we didn't get our planned walk. Mr C pointed out the walks he'd done with #2 daughter when I was away with friend Jenny - Crib Goch, Tryfan and all the others over 3000ft

Instead we drove on to Crick Castle where we had our picnic lunch then visited the 13th century castle which has had scores of owners since the first. It had some Pugin fireplaces and Adam style decor installed
among other changes over the centuries.

Then we found our campsite for the night in the garden of a small nursery. We are the only people. We got on our bikes and had 4 hours cycling. We had access from the gate to the Llangollen canal so cycled a few miles along the towpath to a very high aqueduct over the river. The structure had been engineered by Thomas Telford in 18th century. PleAsure canal boats still use it. So many people with dogs and baby buggies were walking the narrow path that we left our bikes and walked over. We returned the same way but carried on further in the other direction to Horseshoe Falls. I got some good pix of a heron with my camera.

We didn't get back to the van till 6.30 then
I cooked dinner. Home tomorrow, a long drive.

among other changes over the centuries

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