Ambling Camera

By AmblingCamera

Merry Christmas Blippers

Brandy Balls and Trifle with Rum has been made today, last of the presents wrapped.

The Mistress bought a Christmas decoration for a friend yesterday - a beautiful glass angel. When she got it out to wrap it up, she found one of the wings had broken off. She rushed back to the shop, but they had closed - until October 2013!!! So she thought about it for a while, and decided it is still okay. Being disabled is okay. She fully empathises as she has a broken ankle and is totally deaf, both which render her disabled, and at times quite severely. The angel might only be able to fly in a circle in one direction, but she's still an angel and an important part of Christmas. The Mistress mumbled something about starting to collect disabled Christmas decorations from now on, as it's nice to see disabled people represented at Christmas time! Disability is nothing to be ashamed of and shouldn't be hidden away.

So to all at Blipfoto, The Mistress and I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year whether you have two wings or one.

Don't have too much champers!

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