Some of the Haul

Worked today. There were only a few of us to cover the acute part of the hospital, and funnily enough we were run off our feet as people wanted to go home, and couldn't without this piece of equipment or that technique being taught to a family member. Still it made the day go quick. Still haven't been paid, which is frustrating.

We've put out the landing dust for the reindeer, and are desperately hoping that the rain clears before tomorrow, as we've got 12 adults and 6 kids here tomorrow. Although it will work even if it does. I think I've got things all sorted out. The Husband was amazing and did the majority of the housework while I was at work. I came home to a lovely roast dinner as well. I could get used to having a wife.

Not long and Santa will be here! The kids reluctantly went to bed, after having laid out treats for Santa and the reindeer.

Merry Christmas whanau xx

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