Same burn as yesterday, after merging with a couple of others, meets the sea at Munlochy Bay... when the tide's in.

Fixing stuff today, or trying to. Aiming to clear out a backlog of things for other folk, so I can then do some of the (far too many) jobs that need doing at home. Though tomorrow's likely to be an out for a wander with a film camera day. Yes I know it's Christmas Day, but some of us single folk attempt to get away from it all.

Sod's Law has dictated that my rarely used car needs some attention, just when I'd like to use it for a few days off work... and all the garages will be shut for those days. Just like in the Summer, when I was about to start a long break, sciatica knobbled all sorts of planned kayaking trips, and more. Still haven't totally cleared that darned pain in the...

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