Frohe Weihnachten!

Frohe Weihnachten - Merry Christmas!

As last year I attended an early Christmas Eve Mass at the Willow Church (Weidenkirche) in Kaiserslautern. Great atmosphere in the open-air-church!
I came early to have time for picture taking - 30 minutes later the church was full of people standing inside and outside the church.

We had spring temperatures today - the warmest Christmas Eve in the southwest in the last 30 years. Temperature went up to 15°C here - Freiburg in the Black Forest had unbelievable 19,3°C today.

Christmas Eve is the "big" day here. After church I made our Christmas dinner and we opened our presents. A bit more company in the evening would have been nice, but I will have that tomorrow when the family gets together.

22:25 CET 10°C

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