Christmas Fun

Well, Christmas day is drawing to a close whilst up north in the UK it is only all of you have a bonza day of happiness :)

Its been a long one and a good one here.  Started at about 5.30 am when Ella and Harry arrived at our bedside to wake us up to say Santa had called.....they had been banished from their Mum and Dads room saying it was far to early!!!
A fabulous BBQ breakie with bubbles attached set the tone for the, food, bubbles, beers with water interspersed for me.  I have to pace myself and being responsible for putting the dinner on the table.   I must say I was very thankful for the help of Janelle and Aidan (two of my kids) to help.  The BBQ roasts were a huge success.  We managed to have dinner served by 2.30 ish and enjoyed a magnificent meal outside.  We finished eating the desert at about 5 pm with lots of fun inbetween.  

There were many pictures I could have blipped today, most predictable of a happy christmas day.  However, I have chosen this one of two of my kids (centre and right) with a very good friend that they only see occassionaly.  Because we live next to a road, we were getting lots of toots and waves from passer bys and we were recipricating.  We even had the cops giving us some big waves and happy smiles as they drove by.  

Our friends have now left for home, the kidlets are in bed.  I am enjoying a Kaluha & milk (on ice) and everyone else is enjoying some down time.  I think the X-Box is about to come out - where do they get the energy?

There is no need for tea tonight.

Merry Christmas (it has been here....oops)


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