i made it!!!...

(...to "waitrose" in time that is...to get the very last 3 kings cake... i don't even like fruit cakes...in fact i really really dislike them ...but i thought it would be nice to photograph!?...but seriousy...this image represents what xmas is all about... queueing!?....)

"An Englishman, even if he is alone, forms an orderly queue of one."
George Mikes

(well not anymore!...not in london anyway...why can't people queue like the 3 kings?...who do they think they are!?...oh no, i'm ranting again?...
one of my resolutions was NOT to...but then again it's xmas and there are a few days to rant...phew!...)

have a brilliant holiday...queueing for the sales!...
i'll be away...
internetless as usual but...
will be thinking of you...
ALL the time ;-)

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