Local History

Today some housework has been caught up - the bare minimum necessary to make the place habitable - I will never have a show-home!

Then Bri and I headed for the grey, overcast park to get a blip. A few raindrops fell as we walked, but no more than a few, fortunately. My Blip is of the newest additions to the Arbo - a bench to commemorate Lincoln as the birthplace of the tank, created by William Foster & Co. who were based nearby. The bench displays five soldiers in memory of five of the eight Beechey brothers who were killed in WWI.  A sixth was seriously injured. The family lived on nearby Avondale Street. A plaque dedicated to them is also displayed.

Home to bake some brownies that may taste like they were made with chip fat and may end up in the bin! I won't be eating them, so I will see what Jae thinks - he may not notice! I had a small sliver when I sliced them to check they were OK - or not as the case may be!

Then it was Day 2 of Magic Weekend. None of the teams I wanted to win did today but there were still some entertaining close contests and good rugby skills on show. 

We also caught part of a TV programme on Channel 5 about psycho cats. They were all still cute of course, and Minstrel is actually a very good cat by comparison! He's slept on my lap loads today which was lovely!

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