Seeing Beyond Looking

By SandraSuisse

A tractor?

"Are you sure you want a tractor for your main photo?"
"Well I like the growling, country sound it makes and I like the smell of freshly cut grass!"
"I mean, you just have to look at the dancing shadows in the grass and see those lined up trees and be so totally in that moment - and you don't need anything else at all, right?"

Who am I talking to? Well, it's just a little story going on in my country-loving head!

Right after breakfast, I caught the metro and the bus up to my little piece of heaven. The sunshine was gorgeous with a delicious light breeze blowing and we chose the shadier side of the fields for a change. Through the woods, out into the open again. See part of our walk in extras. Glorious!

We came back to an easy lunch prepared before breakfast: Quinoa and chickpea salad and cold Ratatouille! Perfect. Who wants to cook after a wonderful walk?!

I hope you're having a beautiful Sunday!

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