Greenwich Morris

Tim and I both went out on our bikes this morning - albeit separately.  He set out first, to take something back to Halfords in Charlton - I took so long getting ready to go out that I met him on his way back about two minutes after I set out.  He was feeling really sick, bless him - don't think he's over his bug properly yet.  

I carried on down to Greenwich (after I''d made sure he was OK, of course), and was pleased to happen across a few different Morris troupes performing in front of the Cutty Sark.  I ended up watching them for about half an hour, and taking many photos.  Love a bit of Morris!

Had a pretty easy afternoon after that - mostly catching up on photo editing and posting.  Feeling good after my bike ride - it's so nice to be feeling better now.  Hope Tim catches me up soon!

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