The Year of The Onesie!

Some families can pull off the whole onesie look, probably the Beckhams... It would appear The Saunders fam can too... Kind of ;) not the most flattering of things to wear and they're SO hot.

Boxing Day in our house is like Christmas Day for us! Yesterday we didn't really open presents so today we all stayed in our pyjamas, opened presents, ate junk and played about! It was a super day, I found yesterday very stressful and I was super grumpy!

May got the Furby she wanted and Evie got an ocarina.... We are already regretting buying both these things. Elliot wasn't really interested in any of his presents except a huge fire engine, this also makes lots of noise. Let's hope nothing accidently happens to these noisy toys!! ;)

Yay! My Colin has returned to Blip.... AGAIN ;) x

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