"Sod it, I'll leave it."

Same old format ... Different venue.
It being a "WednesDAY" as opposed to a "WednesNIGHT" (They alternate) we found ourselves partaking of the monthly free cuppa up at Houghton.
This, usually, gets the 3 of us MACROing away like billy-oh. NOT today. I'm not 100% sure with Clicky, but know Jerra didn't take his camera.
I did my usual macro shots, not best chuffed with them - BUT - I've been clicking away at the "millions" of wild, weed, Geums around the place.
I, always, tend to "Mess about a bit" with them (Check to see which does what, as part of the unco steep learning curve.)
On this particular occasion I did an "Auto Tone" which turned a lot of the Dk green/Khaki sort of shades into blues, without significantly altering the flower itself.
Instant reaction, as if Alice was beside me, I said "Sod it, I think I'll leave it like that."
I'm not sure I detected a nod of approval, but it felt RIGHT somehow.

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