
The rain has started and on our way out for the morning walk, saw our parish "All-Rounder" employee out clearing the drains as flood warnings have been broadcast. Stopped to have a talk as I wanted to ask him about the tree & ownership "problem" we have with the standing and fallen trees near our electricity lines.

As always, a cheerful chat - partly due to his surname - and although he couldn't help on the tree issue, he introduced his newly appointed deputy to help with the increased multitude of different work that has to be done to keep us safe & to live in a pleasant environment.

He is a "part-time" farmer with his small milking herd in the middle of the village but he is one of the few who do whatever is possible to get as many of his animals that aren't milking, out onto fields. He even goes to the trouble & cost of taking half a dozen young animals to the Alps to enjoy 4 months of alpine meadows. Despite the dreadful weather forecast, this Saturday they will be starting their wonderful holiday. I highly applaud this and know he is one of those "conventional" farmers who try their very best within the restrictions of history and costs to do the best for their animals - just as he and his entire family are an important part of the community both in & out of work.

Took the walk past his various herds & up into the forest. At one stage Luna who was quite a way in front of me took off like lightning and when I found her, she had cornered a black squirrel up a very young tree. Poor thing must have had the fright of its life but after I had praised her, she left him/her alone and it took off for higher ground. There are few things Luna chases - rooks & foxes - but her all-time favourite are squirrels as she stands no chance - drives her crazy. Just the mention of the word and she is staring up into the trees. 

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