MD & Son

Was all dressed up in my beekeepers kit & had the smoker fired up when MrMD started raking together the grass in the next door, 10m away, field. Quickly popped through the fence to see he was having instructions from his son MasterMF. Good timing as we will probably get some rain and much cooler weather for one day tomorrow. Today 30°C, tomorrow 16°C!

Did the bees and all was well and probably a little disappointed until one thinks that at least half the hive has died in the last 3+ weeks. At this time of year, they only live 6 weeks. They had first had to build out the cells, the queen could only then start laying eggs, the larvae need 3 weeks to hatch. Therefore the numbers must reduce.

No sign of any problems: the queen was spotted easily as she was marked (born 2018), is doing her work well, no sign of any problems, the hive is quiet & gentle. And the best news, no sign of any queen cells being built which might suggest the queen was not up to the job.

That was a good result. Pool temperature now 22°C after only one day's full operation using the black hoses laid on a shed roof. Started at 16°C..

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