The Lighted Life

By Giacomo

Bridge To Light

Going against my well thought out plans of leisure last evening, I ended up making a trip to my office for some year end paperwork. Or so I thought. Isabella and Gabriella accompanied me and it actually was far more fun than work. In fact, they were in rare form and they both had my office staff in stitches. At one point Gabriella was reading a book and listening to her iPod whilst laying smack dab in the middle of the floor in our main lobby. I must admit that the carpet is quite inviting there.

My daughters made a dreaded trip to the office lighthearted fun.

Bonnie picked them up after a wonderfully funny lunch so that I could get some "serious" work done. But work never happened. Shortly after they left, I noticed the dramatic light and shadows down along the river and I fled to the streets with my camera in hand. The brilliance of late December light in the cold, crisp air can be quite fun. Plus, there are five more days until the end of the year and I really do not want to waste them behind a desk and computer screen.

This is the Hennepin Avenue Bridge at sunset as the adjacent buildings cast their shadows across the roadbed of the bridge. As with the bridge last night, I tried to process it with a vintage film feel.

Thanks as always for your kind visits and comments. I was not on blip at all today but hopefully I will catch up with you all soon.

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