Puffin #68

Another fabulous morning at Bempton Cliffs - this place is amazing. There were not too many puffins around today, but the puffin in the burrow is apparently looking after a puffling. We did not see it, but it has been seen by some of the volunteers. The one on the right is an interloper and kept trying to get into the burrow, but was eventually chased off. 
We even saw a barn owl out hunting over the meadows behind the cliffs. I've never seen a bunch of photographers turn around so quickly when a woman shouted " Peter, Peter, barn owl over there!! 
I only caught the back of the owl as it was flying away, but it was lovely to see. 
At lunchtime when the first spots of rain came we headed over towards Flamborough Head where it was a little drier for a time and had a short walk around the nature reserve there seeing swifts, house martins, a kestrel, whitethroats and a yellowhammer as well as some of the more common woodland birds. Then when the rain really came, we went back to our accommodation in Weaverthorpe and I ploughed through my shots. Lots of deletions later and I decided on this puffin trio as I don't think I will have another opportunity this year to blip one, but I also like the expression on the face of the gannet in extras. 

Home tomorrow, but if I get my way, we will be back at Bempton Cliffs in the morning before we leave for one last look at the magnificent birds. 

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