
By scharwenka

More about Floods

We revisited the floods in Cuttesloe Park, just behind our house, this morning: see yesterday's commentary.

I don't think that the water level has changed much, but the flood is still pretty impressive to those who see this tiny stream through the seasons. Normally, the water level ranges from dried up to a trickle. I've made a copy of a satellite image to show what I mean. The stream is bordered by the row of trees to the right of centre (running NNW to SSE), and is essentially invisible in this picture. I have put a red star at the point where I took the main photograph.

Our children were shocked to hear that we abandoned a long tradition of Christmas Eve: we did not have game casserole for dinner! However, I hope they will be reassured to learn that we had game casserole for lunch today, Boxing Day, when we entertained the first of our guests for the coming days. I thought that I had better not show yet another 'foodie pic' for my main Blipfoto, but, for the record, here is the lunch party at the Christmas pudding stage of the meal (minus, of course, your photographer).

There is a link here with my flood picture, because on the right you see Bundle, who contributes such excellent photographs to Blipfoto (this is her contribution for Christmas Day). Her home is at present in serious danger of flooding, because it lies quite low near the Thames: the water level is within striking distance of the electrics in her basement.

After lunch, our next-door neighbours joined us, with their two lively and enjoyable children.

A fun Boxing Day!

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