Bumblebee and female large-spotted woodpecker

I think It’s a male bumblebee tree bumblebee and maybe male (which is where I started)  - maybe a Carder Bee.  I’ve just gone round in circles trying to decide. (There are either a lot of cuckoo bees around at the moment or plenty of lethargic males.). A few years ago I worked really hard at trying to identify the different species but I seem to have lost it now!

We’ve been seeing the woodpeckers on the peanuts much more frequently than we did through the winter - they also use the front feeders, but we’re still waiting to see a baby.  Though there are lots of other babies around at the moment, great-tits. blue-tits, house sparrows and I’ve seen baby goldfinches today while I was outside gardening.  They were sitting on the washing line just a few feet from my head.

I’ve managed another couple of hours of gardening today - mainly weeding and preparing a bed for some new plants so I can reward myself with a trip to the garden centre this week.

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