
By SuffolkBumble


Every Christmas Eve for the last 9 years I have met my friend Laura for pints of Adnams in Southwold on Christmas Eve. This year was no exception.

This is one of my favourite Christmas traditions as, no matter what has happened through the year, for the last 9 years I have known that on Christmas Eve I will meet up with one of my best friends from my school years and have a good ol' catch up. As I am from the home of Adnams (Southwold), and as we both like a pint or two, we meet up and sample the local tipple in a few of the pubs.

As we wander around town visiting a few different pubs we always run into some other friends and so I get to catch up with quite a few people in the end. Also Laura put on a wonderful penguin themed Christmas jumper which I thought should be shared and so we toasted it with a couple of pints of Tally Ho! A wonderful way to start off the festivities.

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