Portrait of a damp crow

I've been watching the wet flyers outside the kitchen windows this morning. The dedicated Papa Wren bringing his mate a steady stream of delicious insects as she sits on her eggs, the showoff male Hummingbird going through his poses on the twig by his feeder and the Catbird pair arguing with their arch enemies, the Blue Jays. I was very surprised to see a crow land on the patio to scoop up some of the nuts I tossed out. We see them flying over, but they rarely land on the patio.

Last night we were sitting out on the patio, I with a Guinness and T with wine. Fan, the tamest chipmunk was hopping up in my lap to load her cheek pouches with peanuts from the container in my lap. Papa Wren was flying over us to deliver delicious bugs to the Mrs. tucked in their house hanging behind our chairs. Suddenly, Papa Wren landed on the toe of my shoe as I was stretched out in the lounge chair. He didn't stay long, but long enough for us to see him and smile. Soon after that he swooped down, dive bombing Fan as she fed from the container on my lap. The Wrens obviously trust us and we have a great relationship as we share our outside space.

For the Record,
This day came in dark and rainy. The Garden Club field trip was not to be today due to the weather, we hope to go later in the summer.

All hands hoping for no escalation with Iran!

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