
By strawhouse

Afternoon Tea

My mum and I have had a lovely day out today. Ages ago I booked a champagne afternoon tea for us at Fawsley Hall as a pre-Christmas treat. It was a super bargain special offer so how could we resist?!!
Tea was booked for 4pm so we went to Canons Ashby first which we love and, handily enough, is only a few miles from Fawsley. 
It was dressed beautiful for Christmas with different rooms decorated for Christmas in different periods - Tudor right through to the 20th Century. 
The Georgians knew how to party. The Puritans less so!!
In the 1980s room decorated room they had The Snowman playing on an old boxy TV. It was like stepping back into my childhood!
There didn't seem much point in having tea and cake before heading to Fawlsey so we got there a bit early. It would have been even easier if the SatNav hadn't taken us on the most bizarre circular, unnecessary, ridiculous and rage inducing detour. Almost fifteen miles and half an hour rather than the five mile, ten minute journey it should have been. Bloody thing!!! I actually know the way, just turned it on in was I couldn't quite remember at any point. Lots of little lanes!!
But we got there eventually and, despite being a couple of hours early, they let us sit at our table immediately.
Tea was sensational - amazing sandwiches, cakes, tea, champagne, Bucks Fizz. Delicious!! The Tudor Great Hall - which is beautiful at any time - looked incredible with the enormous tree, lights, decorations and open fires. 
We sat and soaked it all up for hours. We had planned to walk round the grounds for a bit and maybe over to the church but it was so nice sitting there and then it was dark so we didn't get round to it. Next time!! 
As usual we were the last to leave!! My mum had never been before so it was lovely to take her somewhere so special. 

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