A Dawgs Breakfast

By DawgGal

Drama Day

Oh what a day ...
Not enough space here to list all the drama events that occured today but there was a string of them :O
Pictured here is Nettie (well, her hind quarters) who supplied us with the most spectacular of the drama events. She collected her leg on a steel post at full blasting speed. Hit it so hard that the skin split open. Off to the emergency vets, since it was after hours. Didn't get stitches but plenty of supplies to clean the wound daily. Under the wound is a 'pocket' of air and stitching it up would result in the pocket filling up with wound fluid. With stitches we would have had to go into full surgery to add two more cuts to place drainage pipes. Our vets thought it easier on the dog to heal naturally but it will look a bit messy for a few days.
And what does Nettie think of it all? See the wagging tail ... she got lots of attention, plus treats for nothing ... sweet as :)

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