this time it's personal

Since Blip is my journal as well as place to keep family and friends informed about my life, I'm going to mention health issues. Feel free to just enjoy the photo of my favourite peony (which has, amazingly, survived the rain and wind and is enjoying today's sunshine) and then move on...

I try never to darken the doors of a doctor's surgery and the last time I saw my GP was several years ago, but having had a refractory and spectacularly itchy rash for five months now, I bit the bullet and made an appointment. I had my suspicions about its cause and the GP listened and looked and didn't disagree - he took some blood and a couple of skin biopsies and while we wait for the results, I am on a gluten-free diet.  It's not the end of the world, there are plenty of things I can still eat, although gluten does pop up in some pretty surprising places...

So there you go. In other news, it has been HOT today! Too hot to do much gardening until late afternoon. I unpacked, washed and dried all the holiday stuff, caught up on the mail, did some housework, stacked some logs in the woodshed and then read my book under a tree while D mowed all the lawns.

Back to work tomorrow!

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