alice's adventures

By aliceblips


It was that time of year again and this year my brother hosted.

In one small merry house there was a gorgeous muddle of 15 first and second cousins and first and second cousins once removed, plus partners.

There was stinky cheese, Ninjago, funny shoes, drinking, eating, tricks, lego, jokes, music, silly hats, sleeping, waking up, drawing, foofy skirts, dancing, pink fizz, shouting, laughing, spilt drinks, more food, Jenga, ridiculous spiced rum and going home late.

Then there was a really shit game called Doggie Doo that the kid's just couldn't get enough of.

I'm assuming Shitty Kitty is due out in the shops next Christmas.

I can't wait.

My cousin's account of the day.

And another capture of this mad day.

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