365 Plus

By riversider


WOW 1 - I never thought I would make this special Blipday !
WOW 2 - My journal is 365PLUS - the name derived as 2012 has been a Leap Year - now it becomes 365 images PLUS others to be added as I intend to keep on Blippin !
WOW 3 - Boro had a very impressive win yesterday to stay 3rd in the League.

This image is a scene from the Yorkshire Wolds. The world renowned artist David Hockney lives in nearby Bridlington UK, just up the NE coast from here. Much of his work in the last few years has been based around this woodland in East Yorkshire.

He has produced some wonderful pieces of artwork and, much to his credit, he is a full user of modern technology in the most creative manner. An iPad is well used and some of his recent work uses a batch of video cameras to capture images from all angles.

Whatever else happens this has been one of the best years of my life - and my fellow Blippers have made such a huge contribution to this.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You . . .
. . . for sharpening my camera eyes. In spite of breaking two cameras the work goes on. See you in the next 365 !
Have a grand New Year !

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