Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


This is A & S's garden furniture which we put together on Tuesday evening. There is nowhere to sit indoors so having somewhere in the garden seemed a good idea. It didn't look very complicated, only four pieces each for the chairs and couch and five plus the glass for the table, but oh was it fiddly! They never seem to leave enough room to turn the Allen key and everything had to be lined up so carefully. We've learned that when they say - don't tighten it until it is all together - they mean - don't make anything more than finger tight in order that everything has just a little bit of wiggle room to help it line up! Still we did it, it has cushions too and is very comfortable and smart. All we need now is the sunshine... please?
Took some flowers round to our former rector and his wife in their new house, which is very close to A's. They are trying to fit into a much smaller house which is a real challenge. Still they are getting there.
C took a couple more runs to the tip then cut A's hedge which looks much better now.
A busy day, but good. No call from Virgin today, they said 24-48 hours so I guess it's going to be the latter.
13800 steps

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