Stick boy

We braved the cold and wind to go for a walk at John Muir Country Park - though the recent rain had left everything a bit soggier than usual.

Matt told us that this spot was known as Bullet Hill, on account of WW2 soldiers having used the area for target practice - and, in fact, he and Andy found some bits of metal that could have been old casings. As we were standing looking at the view, Mo suggested returning to the same place every last Sunday of the month.

At the time, this idea was greeted by Andy with "What? Come here? Every four weeks? Nooooooooooo!"

Back home, he changed his mind and decided we should go there at the same time of day and take a photograph so we could see how the scene changed throughout the year. He might be temperamental, but he knows a good blip series when he hears one.

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