The Sunday Walk

A bit of an institution is the Sunday Walk. I guess that applies not only to England but to all over the world really. The weather has been awful again here, the whole day being one of squally heavy showers punctuated by periods of mere light rain. I was hoping to get out on the bike but I deferred in a favour of a run, which was constrained to just a few laps of the park. There were more people out braving the weather than I was expecting. The dogs and the kids were generally having a good time. The owners and the parents less so it seemed!

I've made good use of the bad weather by working all day and it's been the case once again of further slow progress. Still, progress is progress so I'm not going to complain. I'm getting there. Off to try another Yotam Ottolenghi recipe right now. I can report that the last one was a triumph!

I've noticed that my "year ago blip" is a favourite of mine, more to do with the title and the write-up than the photograph. It's got me wondering how many blipchildren I've spawned this last year. Possibly more than I know about! This is a very incestuous place!!

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