It's that time again.

It's March now so, keeping with the only blip tradition I've got, that means it's time for a month of vaguely music related blips to tide me over until some semblance of creativity comes back with spring.

I'd completely forgotten about this when I started randomly taking shots last night so I thought I'd better try and find something that could loosely be related to music in our collection.

This one needed a bit of editing to highlight the collection but these two young women are looking reasonably patient as their male friends look like they are drunkenly trying to sort out the wrongs of the world, so I give you:

I'm waiting for my man by the Velvet Underground.

I have to admit this is really one of Roz's tunes as I'm not the biggest Velvet Underground fan. I far prefer lots of the groups that were supposedly influenced by them like the Modern Lovers, The Violent Femmes and the Jesus and Mary Chain.

I can see that the Velvet Underground were highly original for their time but I think it's a lot of the subject matter of their songs that has always put me off them. I do like Lou Reed's solo stuff though.

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