
1.  The image of something in a mirror or on any reflective surface;
2.  Serious thought or consideration

I went out for a wander into the garden quite early this morning - not really looking for a shot for the challenge today, as the only way I could get a reflection was to look into the bird bath, which to be honest was rather mucky, as the pigeons are not fussy about whether they put their beaks or their bottoms in the water!!

However, when I turned round from taking a mediocre shot, I saw the reflection of Mr. HCB in the conservatory window, as he was just about to fill a watering can from the water butt and decided that this would fit the bill - didn’t want to get too serious this early!

In the middle of clearing out some “stuff” from the lounge, so this is “short and sweet” today.  I’m aware though, that the word “reflection” can have very different meanings, hence this quote:

“Everything in your life
      is a reflection of a choice
          you have made.
If you want a different result,
     make a different choice.”

P.S.  Many thanks for all your kind comments for yesterday’s Blip, which are much appreciated.

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