Waiting for the Sky to Colour

Lots of photographers out this morning, hoping for a wonderful pink or orange sky.  It was not to be.  I went to morning tea with the church ladies, then the firewood man came to drop off a load of firewood.  Extra 1.  I stacked all the firewood in the shed, as it is forecast to rain tonight.  The white grass is frost.  It's melted now.

The Boss (from Tussock Tales) came around this afternoon to show me how to use my ipad to upload my photographs to blipfoto.  I am going to my brother's 80th birthday in mid August, and I want to be able to use my ipad for that.

Thought I had lost my jacket with my iphone and car keys in it, but no, it was hanging up in the wardrobe, just where it should have been!!

I think I will go for a nice walk now.

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